Day 25
A Chrimbo A-to-Zed of Britishisms:
On this day of Father Christmas coming from Lapland, bread sauce, mince pies, Christmas pudding, and pantomimes, let’s celebrate the lingo of Blighty. Happy Christmas, and God save The Queen!
Ace, aggro, any road, argue the toss
Belt up, bent as a nine-bob note, bespoke, bits ‘n’ bobs, blag, bloke, bloody hell, (well) blow me down (with a feather), Bob’s your uncle, boffin, bog roll, bog-standard, bollocks, bottoms up!, brass neck, brassed off, bumf, bung it in
Cakehole (as in, shut your …), can’t be arsed, can’t be fagged, Chat up, cheesed off, Chinese whispers, chock-a-bloc, chuffed, cor blimey, chav, chin wag, clanger, clapped-out, (a load of) cobblers, codswallop, cotton on to, cock-up, crikey
Damp squib, doddle, dodgy, doing porridge, (on) the dole, done and dusted, done up like a kipper, don’t get your knickers in a twist, don’t give a toss, don’t give a monkey, doss, dosser, doss-house, do a runner
Faff, fagged, fag-end, fiddly, fortnight, the full monty
Gen (up), get off with someone, get your kit off, git, go off on one, go spare, (shut your) gob, gobby, gob-shite, gobsmacked, going to see my aunt, goolies, Gordon Bennett!, gormless, got the hump, grotty, gubbins, gutted
Hard cheese, how’s your father
Ice lolly, in a strop, in a tick, in the club, in the pudding club, in the wars, it’s not cricket
Jack something in, jammy (bastard), jiggery-pokery, jolly hockey sticks
Kerfuffle, kip, knees-up, knackered
Loo, lose your bottle, lost the plot, lurgy, live at Her Majesty’s pleasure
Manky, moggie, more front than Brighton
Naff, naff off, nicked, nippy, nob, noble, nosey parker, nous (rhyming with mouse), numpty, nutter
One-off, on the trot, on your bike
Parky, (go) pear-shaped, peckish, pillock, pip pip, piss about/around, piss-up, plimsoll, plonk, plonker, pong, poofter, pop your clogs, posh, poxy, prat, pukka, pull your finger out, punter, put a sock in it
Quids in
Ropy, rumpy pumpy, (to) roger
Sarky, sarnie, send to Coventry, shag, shambolic, shut your cakehole, skew-whiff, skint, skive (off), slag off, slapper, smalls, snarky, snog, sod, sod all, sod it, sod off, sod’s law, sod you, sorted, spend a penny, spiv, spliff, splash out, squiffy, squidgy, stiffy, starkers, sticky wicket, stonker, stroppy, suss out or sussed, sweet Fanny Adams, swot
Tad, take a slash, take the mickey, take the piss, tarty, throw a wobbly, tickety-boo, titchy, toff, toffee-nosed, tosser, totty, twee
Up sticks, up the duff, up the spout
Walkies, wally, wanker, well I’m blowed, whip-round, what you on about?, whinge, witter (on about)
Y-fronts, yob, yonks
And there’s one more tomorrow …